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Setup Featured Slider / Featured Content on homepage

In your WordPress admin panel, go to Posts -> All Posts, edit any post that you want to show on the Featured Slider / Featured Content. Scroll to the page bottom and you will see the “Featured Post” checkbox, just check this option and the post will be displayed on the Featured Slider / Featured Content on homepage.

Note: The Featured Slider will display 3 featured posts, and the Featured Content is below the Featured Slider, it will display 6 featured posts.

Setup Advertisement banners

Go to Appearance -> Widgets, you will see multiple ad widget areas, you can drag the Image and Custom HTML widget to the sidebar or any AD position you want. The Image widget is ideal for image ads, and the Custom HTML widget is ideal for HTML or Javascript ad code (e.g. Google Adsense).

Available Ad positions:

  • Header Ad: Ad on the site header
  • Sidebar: Ads in the sidebar
  • Featured Slider Ad: Ad under Featured Slider on the homepage
  • Archive Ad 1: Ad after the #2 post in the post list (home, category, etc.)
  • Archive Ad 2: Ad after the #8 post in the post list (home, category, etc.)
  • Post Top Ad: Ad before the single post content
  • Post Bottom Ad: Ad after the single post content

Custom Widgets

  • Most Commented Posts: Display most commented posts with thumbnails
  • Recent Posts: Display recent posts with thumbnails

Go to Appearance -> Widgets, you can add these custom widgets to Sidebar and Footer Columns.